Wednesday, March 1, 2023

EOTO: Public Policy Reaction

What is Public Policy?

Public policy is the principles that are usually unwritten on which laws are based. After watching my classmates do a presentation on terms associated with public policy, it sparked my interest as I am highly interested in politics and the foundation of our society.

Politicians use political ideas and terminology to appeal to the public and initiate change. Some ideas related to public policy are the Overton window and the spiral of silence theory.

The Overton Window 

The Overton window is a model for how ideas change over time with society as time passes. This window constantly shifts with different perspectives as society advances and becomes open to more topics and subjects. The Overton window is the range of ideas society is willing to accept, and this window is constantly changing as society becomes more accepting of new ideas. Politicians often try to use this window to their advantage appealing to the issues and policies they know society or people will accept. 

There is a common misconception that lawmakers can change or manipulate the window. However, this is not true. Lawmakers can only identify the window and move to comply or be in accordance with it. Since lawmakers can only identify where the window is, social movements must alter the window, and politicians must ensure policies comply with where the current window is. Where the window determines what ideas are willing to be accepted by society.

The Spiral of Silence Theory 

Have you ever been in a setting where you had an unpopular opinion or the majority's opinion did not align with your idea or beliefs? If so, did this cause you to remain silent and not speak about your stance? This theory is the Spiral of Silence and the idea that individuals will be more confident in their opinions and willing to speak up when they know the majority of a group also shares the same beliefs or opinions as them. In this theory, the vocal majority intimidates the opposing views into silence. It makes it seem like the majority opinion is the universal opinion of a group or society because others are less willing to speak about opposing views. This discourages people from expressing their true beliefs, and this is a problem because everyone should feel comfortable sharing their opinions and talking about what they believe in. It is essential for people to speak up about their thoughts and beliefs regardless of what others think because ideas must be challenged before being accepted by society.

The Importance of Public Policy 

 Overall, these concepts are essential regarding public policy. These terms allow society to determine what ideas or concepts ultimately shape societal norms and acceptable behavior among members of society. These ideas are important for politicians and people because they help identify the issues and topics important to society, allowing politicians to know what matters to target and how people will respond. They also assist voters in making informed decisions based on what ideas politicians use and evaluating how they plan to address issues.

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