Sunday, April 30, 2023

Final Blog Post

What Does Technology Mean to You? 

Technology. What comes to mind when you hear the word? Technology is the backbone of the world, constantly keeping people connected, leading to new innovations and inventions, and helping people in their everyday lives. 

However, in all the good technology has done for us, do we ever stop to consider whether our relationship with technology is healthy or unhealthy?

Undoubtedly, technology has allowed us to create, experience, and advance the world beyond anything we could have ever imagined. Some of the most milestone creations have been the computer, the internet, and the cellphone. Still, most people have never stopped to ask how these constant advancements impact the relationship between people and technology.

What Is Technology

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes in machinery and equipment. In the last 100 years, technology has changed human lives and continues to do the same as it keeps evolving. By 1910, many suburban households were connected and wired with power and new electric gadgets, such as telephones, dishwashing machines, and televisions. This gave way to a new era as mass communication became prominent nationwide, allowing people to contact each other at the drop of a dime. 

Human Relationships with Technology 

As humans, we rely on technology and the internet to keep us connected, allowing for constant communication of ideas and staying in contact with each other. Technology has given way to social media and the internet, allowing everyone to voice their opinions and share their beliefs. While platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have strengthened our ability to express our views and practice our freedom of speech, there is no denying the internet's effect on society and norms within our world.

Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more have contributed to the creative outlook of many people allowing people to monetize off of sharing their opinions, latest products, and lifestyles with other people using online resources. The rise of these individuals, such as influencers, celebrities, and models, has inadvertently shaped societal norms and beauty standards within our society. The substantial influence of social media on younger generations and many people consuming the content of these influencers and celebrities has caused unrealistic expectations in many people's minds contributing to rising issues among young women, such as eating disorders, mental health problems in individuals, and increasing suicide rates. While these issues are prominent in young women, men are not exempt from the problems as more people feel they must compete with others to keep up with an online persona and image.  

While the content we consume on social media raises a problem, another issue is how much humans rely on their technology. For example, humans spend an average of 3 hours and 15 minutes a day on their cell phones, and even more for some people. This affects our day-to-day lives as many people cannot even sit through dinner for an hour without checking their phones. In addition, it is frustrating when I spend time with someone or try to converse, but they are glued to their cell phone or device. Problems such as this raise the question do humans rely too much on technology?  

Everyone's reliance on technology is different, but it is essential to understand our dependence on technology and how it may affect us mentally, emotionally, and physically. In addition, we are people out beyond technology and what we post on social media. Hence, it is crucial to understand and recognize if our relationship with technology is healthy or unhealthy.

Digital Footprint 

A digital footprint refers to the trail of data you leave when using the internet. However, it is affected by things you post yourself and anything your family or friends may post about you. This is important as we move into a new age of technology. Our digital footprint and internet presence directly correlate or affect how the world and others view us as individuals. 

A person's digital footprint can determine their digital reputation, ultimately affecting their reputation. Employers and admissions counselors have reported looking at an individual's digital footprint to evaluate prospective employees and students. Your digital impact plays a massive role in determining your ability to go to school, get a job, or even meet a new friend, so we must stay mindful of what we put on the internet and how we use technology.

Privacy and the Internet 

With the rise of digital footprints, it is also essential we protect ourselves and our privacy. What we post online is no longer private, nor does it belong to us. Furthermore, with the rise of big tech companies such as Meta, what we post on the internet and social media no longer belongs to us after we click "upload." 

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal of 2018 captured non-authorized personal information from 87 million U.S. Facebook profiles and sold their information to different companies. As a result, we must be mindful of what we agree to when utilizing such platforms and ensure we only share what we can afford to be seen.

With new innovations being made in technology, everyday privacy is depleting. The latest technology being talked about is artificial intelligence(A.I.) which is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Artificial intelligence has emerged through voice-controlled devices, strategic marketing tactics, self-driving cars, and more. This being said artificial intelligence is trying to imitate humans and our actions and, in the process, learning about us and who we are at our core. For example, when you shop on a website, artificial intelligence tracks your website traffic and tries to figure out what other websites you like so they can market to you and your specific needs and wants.

While features such as this can be helpful and make life easier, it is appalling how our every move via the internet is being tracked and marked, making us question, "are we ever really alone?" 

Our Relationship With Technology

As a college student, technology is a big part of my life. My laptop and phone travel with me practically everywhere, but as a person, I have learned to distance myself from technology and enjoy things such as nature and being with the people such as my family and friends. I have never been a big social media user, but I use it, and I have my days when I am more distracted by my phone than others. However, I have learned to use the internet and technology as a tool by doing things to keep my digital footprint clean and respectable. This includes setting up my LinkedIn, maintaining a positive image and reputation on my social media pages such as Instagram, and making sure to only post content I am okay with everyone, including my family, to view or see.

Overall, with the constant advancement of technology, there is no denying we as humans have achieved remarkable achievements. However, there is no denying the negative impacts technology has had on humans, such as depleting privacy, increasing mental disorders, and an unhealthy dependency on different products. Therefore, as you continue to use technology, please consider your relationship with technology and your digital footprint and determine how you would adjust your relationship with technology moving forward. 

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Final Blog Post

What Does Technology Mean to You?  Technology . What comes to mind when you hear the word? Technology is the backbone of the world, constant...