Thursday, February 9, 2023

Diffusion of Innovation Modeled Through YouTube

Diffusion of Innovation Model

Do you ever wonder how ideas get introduced, accepted, and eventually phased out? The diffusion of innovation model explains the process in five steps demonstrating each percentage of people who buy or invest in an idea or product at different times, attempting to explain why it happens that way. 

The model has 5 categories labeled left-right: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. The model demonstrates the order people accept ideas or hop on a bandwagon. For example, while I identify as an early adopter because I am younger and more open to change, it is easy to understand how different people of specific demographics identify with other classifications on the chart. This is an important model to know as I will apply the rise of YouTube and how people adopted the use and purpose of YouTube to the model.

Brief History of YouTube

YouTube is a global online video-sharing and social media platform allowing people to post videos about anything they want. It was launched in February 2005 and founded by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. This platform changed the way people shared videos and received their information. First, however, it is essential to ask why people could accept this online video-sharing platform so quickly?

How YouTube Changed Videos and Reasons, People Accepted It

Home videos have always been important in many families. I know my grandparents still have home videos of my dad, aunts, and uncles from when they were growing up, and it is fun to watch and see as a family what they were like before. YouTube was created to share home videos with others and be able to show those memories easily. However, the idea grew beyond anything the creators could have imagined. However, the reasoning would have contributed to the early adopter's platform use despite the growth. Younger people liked having the ease of typing in what they wanted to see rather than obtaining a VHS tape or DVD and then having to use a specific player to view a video, especially if the video was going to be short and less than one hour. This influenced the use of YouTube because it made it easier to access videos and eliminated steps needed to play videos in the past. 

Additionally, as technology began to become more prominent and daily in people's lives, the ease and access of YouTube led to the platform being accepted. In addition, YouTube was the only video-based platform; no other social media platform had a platform near or similar to YouTube. 

The first iPhone was released in 2007, and when the iPhone was released, YouTube was pre-downloaded onto the phone. Still, to this day, YouTube comes pre-downloaded onto all new iPhones. This also motivated people to adopt the software because it came paired with their new phones, and most people would accept the software given to them with their phone than go in search of their own, leading more people to accept the platform.

Reasons YouTube Would Not Be Accepted 

YouTube enables people to watch videos on any topic they can imagine while allowing them to make a living through content creation and being influencers. Due to this, it is widely accepted and a reason people continue to use the platform. However, some people may be slow to accept or use the platform because it forces them to put their personal content online, and anybody can access their videos. In addition, some people may be hesitant about the platform due to the allowed content because it may violate their views or be suggestive in some ways. Lastly, the platform could be a learning curve for some individuals and generations, as younger people may think it is easier to navigate. In contrast, others may feel it is more complicated. Overall, people would be slow to adopt this technology out of fear of loss of privacy, lack of knowledge or know-how, and fear of content displayed.

While YouTube has had some issues regarding the content posted on the app, the company has been working diligently to filter videos and content more closely for people of all ages to enjoy videos that interest them. Another problem that has arisen from the platform is the push for a particular look or image for young girls and women; however, this is changing as people of different backgrounds, cultures, and looks begin creating their own content on the app, helping others to feel as if they are seen and appreciated. This being said, while YouTube has had its problems, things are changing, and people should be supporting the change in ideas on the platform.

Consequences of Not Adopting New Ideas 

While new inventions, products, or ideas are not always the easiest to accept, we must be receptive and understanding of all new ideas because they can lead to new breakthroughs and make life much easier. While people may want to avoid accepting YouTube and its services, the platform has ravaged how we receive and learn further information. Any topic, tutorial, or live stream is at the tip of our fingers and allows us to know anything we want with a short video. The platform has also allowed millions of people to make money by sharing their passions and inspirations with others. This is important to note because people unwilling to accept YouTube will miss out on these opportunities and access to millions of videos with various information on broad ranges of topics. Being open to new ideas and innovations is essential in today's society. Things are constantly changing, and we must be receptive to new ideas because they ultimately lead to us growing as a society.

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