Thursday, February 9, 2023

EOTO Reaction: Netflix's Impact On Television

It is interesting to think about how much technology has altered human life. After learning about multiple breakthrough technologies, I was intrigued by how much Netflix has changed television.

History of Television

The first television was invented in 1927 and wholly changed American families' lives. The invention of the tv allowed people with similar interests to connect and share their ideas. Previously, television acted as social events as friends and family would gather to watch their favorite shows and spend time together. However, as television enters a new era of existence with the presence of streaming services, television has been altered into something that will be changed forever.

The Beginning of Netflix 

Netflix was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley in Santa Cruz. The business started as a rental service allowing people to rent any movie title on DVD for 7.99 a month. The DVD was then delivered to the customer's house, and when they wanted a new one, they would send in the previous title to exchange and get another rental. In 2000, as Netflix continued to grow, the company approached the former CEO of Blockbuster, John Antioco, about buying Netflix, but he declined. Then, just 10 years later, Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy and went out of business. However, Netflix continued to grow in 2006, generating more than $80 million in revenue and having more than 6.3 million subscribers using their services.  

However, the best was yet to come. In 2010, Netflix introduced its first streaming service allowing customers to stream movies and television from any device with access to the internet. Netflix changed its focus from delivering DVDs to allowing people to access any title with their paid subscription and use of a device with the internet. This completely revolutionized television today.

Netflix Today 

Today, Netflix broadcasts over 10,000 titles worldwide, including movies and television shows. The platform offers multiple plans depending on your family and their entertainment needs. The 3 plans are basic, standard, and premium. The basic is the cheapest and most simple plan, and the premium plan allows you to experience all the extra functions that Netflix offers at a higher price. In addition, the streaming platform has grown so much that it has allowed the company to produce and create its own shows. As a result, Netflix originals have proved to be some of the highest-rated series, with some popular titles being Ginny and Georgia, Stranger Things, Outer Banks, and many more. 

Netflix's Impact on Television Today 

There is no denying Netflix has changed and altered television in more ways than one. While television is an integral part of American culture, the way we enjoy television has completely changed due to the different streaming services and access to titles we have today. While television used to be a social event, families would gather around the television once a week to watch a show or movie. The new age of television has introduced the idea of binge-watching, giving way to a new era and way of enjoying entertainment. In addition, with services like Netflix not running advertisements, the culture of television is changing as people watch fewer commercials and do not have to worry about their shows being stopped mid-episode for commercial breaks. Lastly, with Netflix being the first-ever streaming service, many other companies have copied their business idea offering streaming services and encouraging the new era of television and entertainment. Overall, as we see the entertainment industry change and improve, it no denying that Netflix has been a trailblazing company and a leading innovator in the entertainment world.  



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