Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Speech Theories

Freedom of expression gives you the right to hold your own opinions and express those opinions without any interference. Freedom of expression is an essential aspect of American life as we, as members of society, are given the right to speak our minds and say what we believe whenever we see fit. 

Under the first amendment, American citizens are granted the freedom of speech, which gives them the right to speak, write, and share ideas and opinions without facing punishment from the government. The First Amendment protects this right by prohibiting Congress from making laws that would violate citizens' freedom of speech. The First Amendment includes 3 bedrock principles that create a fundamental law for members of society. The bedrock principle is the idea that something cannot be banned because it is offensive, and the first amendment contains three bedrock principles. Here are 3 bedrock principles under the First Amendment: the first amendment is not absolute, the first amendment is not a shield against laws of general applicability, and the freedom of the press is a fundamental personal right. With these rights come the eight values of free expression, which are principles or theories introduced by scholars and authors about the freedom and expression of speech and how the freedom of speech plays into society and is applied throughout life. 

The eight values of expression are important when understanding how the first amendment applies to people and the world; however, after learning about the eight theories, I found that some appealed to me more than others.

The Marketplace of Ideas 

An essential theory in today's society is the marketplace of ideas introduced in the book, Areopagitica by John Milton. The marketplace of ideas is the idea that everyone can freely speak about their beliefs and say what they want, but the truth prevails, or people usually accept the most logical stance on an issue. This theory supports people saying what they believe despite people not always accepting the idea and encourages other ideas and perspectives on topics and situations. This is important in today's society as everyone is less open-minded and more likely to shut down or tune out opinions that do not align with their own. Therefore, we must constantly challenge and produce new ideas to promote growth and tolerance within our society. We must be willing to listen to each other and understand one another even if we do not always agree with what is said, but that is why we have the right to freedom of speech, so everyone can communicate what they believe and what they are passionate about. 

The other side to this theory is that the ideas people agree with will be pushed to the forefront. In contrast, the different ideas that need to be clarified or that people disagree with will get left behind. This concept is crucial because it gives everyone a chance. Still, it lets, it ultimately enables people de ide if what has been said is acceptable. The marketplace of ideas embraces new ideas and gives people space to express their beliefs despite what others might say. It fosters a society that welcomes all opinions and positions despite the popularity of the stance.

Promote Tolerance 

Another relevant theory today is promoting tolerance, introduced by Lee Bolinger in the book, The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech. This theory communicates and supports the idea that extending freedom of speech to things people may find hateful or personally upsetting allows society to shape its norms and acceptable behavior. Additionally, even though what a person says might be offensive or inappropriate, in some cases, this theory supports the idea of subsequent punishment meaning. For example, although a person who speaks hurtful language may not receive consequences directly from the law, it is ensured that they will receive punishment from a society based on the norms and acceptable behavior established by the organization. For example, if a famous person goes to Twitter using racial slurs, the government cannot punish them. Still, people can by not following or supporting anything the famous person does, in which they could potentially lose their likeness and their job for being inappropriate and unprofessional online. Today, we see this play out more often with the rise of "cancelling," whether it be a celebrity, social media star, or everyday person. Living in a digital age like today allows people to go back and track down everything ever said by a person. With millions of eyes on social media platforms at all times, subsequent punishment is more alive than ever. Subsequent punishment ensures that the person gets their punishment no matter what it may be. This cycle also helps people decide on appropriate behavior within our society and what will be tolerated. 

Speech Theories are important to society because they help establish norms about what can be said and done despite everyone having the right to freedom of speech. These theories set subsequent punishment by not allowing one person to get away with too much and setting boundaries about what is appropriate and what is not within the world of news, social media, and general. Additionally, these theories encourage us to speak up and talk about our beliefs, which helps us share and collaborate our thoughts and feelings on situations to gain new perspectives and clarity on situations.

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