Thursday, February 9, 2023

Anti-War and Mainstream News Agendas

News sources are integral to life in the United States and many countries. We as members of society rely on the news and press to keep us informed of events happening in the world that we cannot be present for; however, the press and media have only sometimes proved to be trustworthy and reliable when it comes to certain issues. Many mainstream news platforms claim they are unbiased, but in many ways, they push their own ideas and beliefs. Hence, it is important to diversify your news sources and obtain information from different sources. 

However, exploring less popular news platforms brought me to why some news platforms and websites are more mainstream or pushed more than others? 

Wartime is a hyper-emotional time for all parties involved, including society and the government; however, when that time comes, do we ever question the agendas of the press and the stories they push to the front. 

World War I 

World War I was an intense time with multiple beliefs and ideologies. The war started after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia which contributed to several other countries joining in the war contributing to one of the most deadly wars in history. The involvement in the war by the United States was highly controversial as many people felt the United States did not need to get involved. When WWI started in 1914, Americans wanted the United States to remain in a state of neutrality that aligned with Woodrow Wilsons's strict and impartial neutrality policy. However, neutrality was not kept after Congress decided to join the war with an 82-6 majority vote

News and media during wartime heavily impacted people and their minds and opinions. However, after the United States decided to enter the war, there was an increase in the amount of wartime media pushing and supporting the idea of war. Despite the anti-wartime movement and initiatives, the media and news only focused on the war effort and support of the war. 

This raises the question, does the media only push their agenda? And why are contradicting beliefs never and less popular opinions broadcasted the same as other news articles?

Russian-Ukrainian War 

Presently, the country is divided, facing the issue between Russia and Ukraine as they are at war, leaving many countries divided and debating on how to approach the problem. With the division on the issue, many countries are debating which side to support, which could result in another world war. This leaves the question of how the media and news platforms impact people's opinions and stances regarding the war. 

History of Anti-War Movement and Voices 

There are many news platforms and media sources about anti-war efforts, and these platforms have different perspectives on the issues. However, these sources are not as widely broadcast as others, and in the past, some journalists were fined after criticizing the government during wartime. The Espionage and Sedition Act of 1918 allowed a citizen to be fined or imprisoned for speaking out against the government during wartime; however, it was appealed on December 13, 2020. This prevented many journalists from speaking their beliefs and expressing their true thoughts, only informing the public of what they wanted them to know and pushing their agenda and ideas onto society. 

While the Espionage and Sedition Act no longer applies today, many anti-war platforms are less prevalent than mainstream news. This could be because the media only pushes popular beliefs and what complies with government decisions. As members of society, we must determine our opinions and seek out news and information from different perspectives to gain a full scope of the story and understand what is happening within the world.

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