Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Supreme Court: The Law of the Land

The Law of the Land 

The U.S. government system comprises three branches of government legislative, executive, and judicial. While these branches were made to have a system of checks and balances, the judicial branch played a critical role in U.S. history and federal laws established throughout the land. The Supreme Court is the highest law on the ground, and its main job is to review cases and make sure rules comply and align with the United States Constitution. 

History of The U.S. Supreme Court 

The United States Supreme Court was established by the United States Constitution in article three in 1789. Since the establishment of the Supreme Court, it has been the justices' job to review and make sure the duties and ideals of the constitution are being carried out by the actions and decisions they make. 

In 1803, the famous case Marbury v. Madison established the U.S. Supreme Court's ability to overrule Congress and grant acts of Congress unconstitutional. This was revolutionary as the case founded the idea of judicial review. Judicial review is a check used to balance the power of the other branches, such as the legislative and executive. This is set in place to prevent one single branch from becoming too powerful or controlling,

The Supreme Court comprises nine supreme court justices appointed by the president when a seat becomes available, which is then confirmed by Congress. It is made up of one chief justice and eight associate justices. The majority of judges are appointed and approved by the end of a president's term allowing the president to affect the majority party. The United States Supreme Court Justice position is held for life or until one does not want to do the job anymore, making it a highly prestigious position. 

Role of Supreme Court Justices 

The primary role of supreme court justices is to conference and deliberate the outcome of cases within the United States. The chief justice is also responsible for the administrative leadership of the entire federal judicial system. The judges interpret the constitution daily to apply the ideas to recent cases and review laws. The Supreme Court receives about 100 new cases per week, close to 7,000 points per year, with most of them being petitions for certiorari-written arguments attempting to persuade the supreme court lower court that needed to be corrected about their verdict. The top court accepts very few cases for certiorari, with about 100 being taken each year. The justices spend a reasonable amount of time working alone and reviewing cases independently. Each judge is individually responsible for deciding each case. The judges ask themselves several questions when determining which issues to proceed with. The justices meet weekly in conferences to decide which cases to choose that the court will accept and determine to be argued and discuss and vote on cases that have already been argued.

Supreme Court Justices & Their Roles  

The supreme courts hear cases in public lawyers on opposing sides are allowed 30 minutes on each side to argue their position. The oral argument lasts an hour altogether. The Supreme Court justices do their work publicly, asking questions during the oral argument. This seems intimidating, but I understand how powerful and liberating one can feel after navigating this situation with grace and poise. 

After hearing the arguments, justices gather in their conference room to vote on the case and are entirely alone. After they vote to decide an issue, one of the justices on the majority side is assigned to write an opinion explaining the legal reasons for making a decision. This is a time-consuming process as law clerks help research, draft ideas, prepare oral arguments, and screen the flow of new petitions. Any justice that does not agree with the majority opinion can write a separate statement rejecting the idea or accepting the result but not with the reasoning. The first draft of the final opinion takes about 4 weeks as revisions are continually made, and justices try to convince the others to join the majority opinion. Justices could switch sides, and the majority could become the minority rarely. The court's tradition is to release all thoughts and decisions for all current cases around late June. 

The Court Process 

As justices announce their decisions in the courtroom, the public information officer is notified to release copies to the press. Reporters attempt to summarize and inform the public about the supreme court's decisions and what is said in the court's opinions. These decisions affect everyone as they can alter how Americans live their lives. The Supreme Court has great power, and we Americans must trust our government and hope they value our interests.

After researching and understanding the Supreme Court's role in our government system, I am intrigued by its power and privileges. As someone who wants to attend law school and eventually become a lawyer, learning and understanding the Supreme Court's role is significant. They have remarkable power and hold over the United States. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Internet Surveillance


What is privacy?

Privacy is the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by others. As technology advances, many have begun to ask: Are people's privacy rights beginning to vanish?

New technological advancements have served as a catalyst for new technology within every area of our lives. These technologies can include automatic license plate readers, face recognition systems, and even pictures of you taken by other people. While these systems may seem like an excellent addition to the security and safety of people, these technologies are being used on everyday people who have no intention of breaking the law or acting in destructive ways violating their privacy. Leaving many people wondering how much privacy we do we really have due to these technologies.

With the government being heavily involved with many social media platforms, they must be transparent and honest with the members of society about what they are doing with this information and why they are using it or have established specific guidelines and policies.

Many technology companies like Facebook act as big brothers to the government, which allows the government to access personal information without informing you or asking for permission. This is partly because when agreeing to use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., a person enters into a contract of adhesion. A contract of adhesion is when two parties enter an agreement with disproportionate bargaining power allowing one party to gain more than the other. Essentially in these contracts, if adhesions users sign when agreeing to use these platforms, they are giving up their rights to whatever they post on that platform and allowing their information to be accessed. 

It is scary to think about how much personal information the government can access using these platforms intended to keep people connected. Unfortunately, these issues affect more people today than ever as we have become a society that heavily depends on technology, the internet, and social media. However, despite being dependent on these platforms, there are ways we can stay safe and protect our personal information.

Ways to Stay Safe 

As we raise our awareness of privacy and how we are affected, we must know what systems are acting to keep tabs on us and what we can do to protect ourselves in this digital age.

1. Be Mindful of What You Post 

In today's age, it is essential to be mindful of what you post because even when you delete something, it never disappears. In addition, what you post affects how others see and perceive you, and you do not want a future job employer to have the wrong first impression. In addition, protecting your personal information and brand is important because we are not sure what the government is doing with the information we post or our personal information. Hence, it is important to post with discretion.

2. Use Apple Products 

In a Ted Talk by Christopher Soghoigan, he talks about the different platforms that can be used to encrypt text messages and phone calls. Apple automatically encrypts all messages and phone calls between apple users, making it hard for third parties to wiretap and interfere with your personal phone calls and messages. Additionally, Soghigan introduced the platform WhatsApp, which keeps users' text messages and phone calls encrypted and prevents third-party interference. This being said, it can be a good idea to use Apple devices or download a third-party app to ensure all your personal information and communication is protected and private.

3. Download a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A Virtual Private Network is a service that protects your internet connection and privacy online. Downloading a VPN allows everything you do within the VPN connection to be encrypted and protected from being wiretapped. This will give users peace of mind and allow them to stay safe while using the internet without worrying about anyone accessing their personal information or being tracked.

We must take the steps necessary to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the dangers of the internet and keep the protection of our personal information. I hope these tips were helpful and that you will apply them to your technology use.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

My Five Top Sources for News and Information

News is an essential aspect of humans' lives today. The internet has changed our outlook on news as everything is at our fingertips. The internet allows us to stay updated with current news and understand what is happening worldwide. With important events constantly happening in the world, we must stay updated and informed about what is happening in today's world. As a college student eventually seeking employment, I must stay informed on what is happening worldwide and current events. While I am stepping into adulthood, my news sources are also evolving. Today I will be discussing my top 5 news sources and why they are my favorite sources at this point in time.

One of my top sources for news is the Apple News app on my cellphone and computer. Apple News works as a news mitigator pulling stories and news from multiple sources such as The Washington Post, Variety, CNN, and many more to help present stories they think you will find most interesting. I enjoy using Apple News because stories and news find me, and I do not have to search for what is happening worldwide. Additionally, it is easy to navigate and suggests stories or information that it believes I would find the most relevant.

Another one of my favorite news sources is The Washington Post. This reliable source allows me to research and access scholarly articles on recent political events and other real-world issues. I am a fan of The Washington Post because it is a credible source and allows me to access articles on subjects I may need for classes or have an interest in. 

As a student studying Business Administration, much of what I talk about in my classes has something to do with the business world in the present day. To contribute to those discussions, I must remain updated with relevant and trustworthy information in the business world. This is why The Wall Street Journal is a top source of mine, as I can always count on the platform to give me adequate information regarding the business world, whether in finance, stocks, or investments. 

Forbes is a news source I refer to for business news and information regarding finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. Forbes helps me understand what is happening in the business world and how companies compare. In addition, I find Forbes interesting because they highlight businesses and individuals and businesses who are up and coming and are working hard to make a name for themselves and be recognized.

While social media is not an immediate news source, it is a part of my everyday life and many of these platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok allow me to keep up with the latest news in pop culture, health and wellness, and even current events. While social media is not always a reliable outlet for all information, it still serves as a great source to start with stories and check them against other sources. Social media has always been a catalyst or starting point for me to research a story and understand what is happening. 

While I have different interests on different sides of the spectrum, these news sources cater to all my interests, allowing me to be informed on critical current events and my personal interests. The news is here to keep us informed of what is happening in the world, and I challenge you to think about how you are staying informed and current on situations.

Final Blog Post

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