Thursday, January 12, 2023

My Five Top Sources for News and Information

News is an essential aspect of humans' lives today. The internet has changed our outlook on news as everything is at our fingertips. The internet allows us to stay updated with current news and understand what is happening worldwide. With important events constantly happening in the world, we must stay updated and informed about what is happening in today's world. As a college student eventually seeking employment, I must stay informed on what is happening worldwide and current events. While I am stepping into adulthood, my news sources are also evolving. Today I will be discussing my top 5 news sources and why they are my favorite sources at this point in time.

One of my top sources for news is the Apple News app on my cellphone and computer. Apple News works as a news mitigator pulling stories and news from multiple sources such as The Washington Post, Variety, CNN, and many more to help present stories they think you will find most interesting. I enjoy using Apple News because stories and news find me, and I do not have to search for what is happening worldwide. Additionally, it is easy to navigate and suggests stories or information that it believes I would find the most relevant.

Another one of my favorite news sources is The Washington Post. This reliable source allows me to research and access scholarly articles on recent political events and other real-world issues. I am a fan of The Washington Post because it is a credible source and allows me to access articles on subjects I may need for classes or have an interest in. 

As a student studying Business Administration, much of what I talk about in my classes has something to do with the business world in the present day. To contribute to those discussions, I must remain updated with relevant and trustworthy information in the business world. This is why The Wall Street Journal is a top source of mine, as I can always count on the platform to give me adequate information regarding the business world, whether in finance, stocks, or investments. 

Forbes is a news source I refer to for business news and information regarding finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. Forbes helps me understand what is happening in the business world and how companies compare. In addition, I find Forbes interesting because they highlight businesses and individuals and businesses who are up and coming and are working hard to make a name for themselves and be recognized.

While social media is not an immediate news source, it is a part of my everyday life and many of these platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok allow me to keep up with the latest news in pop culture, health and wellness, and even current events. While social media is not always a reliable outlet for all information, it still serves as a great source to start with stories and check them against other sources. Social media has always been a catalyst or starting point for me to research a story and understand what is happening. 

While I have different interests on different sides of the spectrum, these news sources cater to all my interests, allowing me to be informed on critical current events and my personal interests. The news is here to keep us informed of what is happening in the world, and I challenge you to think about how you are staying informed and current on situations.

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