Sunday, April 30, 2023

Final Blog Post

What Does Technology Mean to You? 

Technology. What comes to mind when you hear the word? Technology is the backbone of the world, constantly keeping people connected, leading to new innovations and inventions, and helping people in their everyday lives. 

However, in all the good technology has done for us, do we ever stop to consider whether our relationship with technology is healthy or unhealthy?

Undoubtedly, technology has allowed us to create, experience, and advance the world beyond anything we could have ever imagined. Some of the most milestone creations have been the computer, the internet, and the cellphone. Still, most people have never stopped to ask how these constant advancements impact the relationship between people and technology.

What Is Technology

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes in machinery and equipment. In the last 100 years, technology has changed human lives and continues to do the same as it keeps evolving. By 1910, many suburban households were connected and wired with power and new electric gadgets, such as telephones, dishwashing machines, and televisions. This gave way to a new era as mass communication became prominent nationwide, allowing people to contact each other at the drop of a dime. 

Human Relationships with Technology 

As humans, we rely on technology and the internet to keep us connected, allowing for constant communication of ideas and staying in contact with each other. Technology has given way to social media and the internet, allowing everyone to voice their opinions and share their beliefs. While platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have strengthened our ability to express our views and practice our freedom of speech, there is no denying the internet's effect on society and norms within our world.

Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more have contributed to the creative outlook of many people allowing people to monetize off of sharing their opinions, latest products, and lifestyles with other people using online resources. The rise of these individuals, such as influencers, celebrities, and models, has inadvertently shaped societal norms and beauty standards within our society. The substantial influence of social media on younger generations and many people consuming the content of these influencers and celebrities has caused unrealistic expectations in many people's minds contributing to rising issues among young women, such as eating disorders, mental health problems in individuals, and increasing suicide rates. While these issues are prominent in young women, men are not exempt from the problems as more people feel they must compete with others to keep up with an online persona and image.  

While the content we consume on social media raises a problem, another issue is how much humans rely on their technology. For example, humans spend an average of 3 hours and 15 minutes a day on their cell phones, and even more for some people. This affects our day-to-day lives as many people cannot even sit through dinner for an hour without checking their phones. In addition, it is frustrating when I spend time with someone or try to converse, but they are glued to their cell phone or device. Problems such as this raise the question do humans rely too much on technology?  

Everyone's reliance on technology is different, but it is essential to understand our dependence on technology and how it may affect us mentally, emotionally, and physically. In addition, we are people out beyond technology and what we post on social media. Hence, it is crucial to understand and recognize if our relationship with technology is healthy or unhealthy.

Digital Footprint 

A digital footprint refers to the trail of data you leave when using the internet. However, it is affected by things you post yourself and anything your family or friends may post about you. This is important as we move into a new age of technology. Our digital footprint and internet presence directly correlate or affect how the world and others view us as individuals. 

A person's digital footprint can determine their digital reputation, ultimately affecting their reputation. Employers and admissions counselors have reported looking at an individual's digital footprint to evaluate prospective employees and students. Your digital impact plays a massive role in determining your ability to go to school, get a job, or even meet a new friend, so we must stay mindful of what we put on the internet and how we use technology.

Privacy and the Internet 

With the rise of digital footprints, it is also essential we protect ourselves and our privacy. What we post online is no longer private, nor does it belong to us. Furthermore, with the rise of big tech companies such as Meta, what we post on the internet and social media no longer belongs to us after we click "upload." 

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal of 2018 captured non-authorized personal information from 87 million U.S. Facebook profiles and sold their information to different companies. As a result, we must be mindful of what we agree to when utilizing such platforms and ensure we only share what we can afford to be seen.

With new innovations being made in technology, everyday privacy is depleting. The latest technology being talked about is artificial intelligence(A.I.) which is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Artificial intelligence has emerged through voice-controlled devices, strategic marketing tactics, self-driving cars, and more. This being said artificial intelligence is trying to imitate humans and our actions and, in the process, learning about us and who we are at our core. For example, when you shop on a website, artificial intelligence tracks your website traffic and tries to figure out what other websites you like so they can market to you and your specific needs and wants.

While features such as this can be helpful and make life easier, it is appalling how our every move via the internet is being tracked and marked, making us question, "are we ever really alone?" 

Our Relationship With Technology

As a college student, technology is a big part of my life. My laptop and phone travel with me practically everywhere, but as a person, I have learned to distance myself from technology and enjoy things such as nature and being with the people such as my family and friends. I have never been a big social media user, but I use it, and I have my days when I am more distracted by my phone than others. However, I have learned to use the internet and technology as a tool by doing things to keep my digital footprint clean and respectable. This includes setting up my LinkedIn, maintaining a positive image and reputation on my social media pages such as Instagram, and making sure to only post content I am okay with everyone, including my family, to view or see.

Overall, with the constant advancement of technology, there is no denying we as humans have achieved remarkable achievements. However, there is no denying the negative impacts technology has had on humans, such as depleting privacy, increasing mental disorders, and an unhealthy dependency on different products. Therefore, as you continue to use technology, please consider your relationship with technology and your digital footprint and determine how you would adjust your relationship with technology moving forward. 

Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

Artificial Intelligence is a field that involves computer science and robust machines that can simulate human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is a field that is ravaging our world and changing technology and life before our eyes. 

Artificial Intelligence is changing the dynamic of the workplace, our daily lives, and how people use and rely on technology.

Artificial Intelligence's Impact On the Workplace

As artificial intelligence begins to take shape and form in the way of robots helping to do jobs faster with less human error, many people are losing their jobs and struggling to make ends meet. The implementation of artificial intelligence has caused 14% of the workforce to be left jobless. This percentage is only growing as robots are being trained to complete many different jobs. Automation has proved to be the most silent but deadly job killer as the standard of living for Americans has dropped between 10%-15% because of the number of Americans left without jobs, leaving them unable to support themselves or their families.

Women have been disproportionally affected by robots and the automatization of jobs, as women are found to work jobs such as cashiers and clerical jobs such as receptionists or human resource assistants at a higher rate than men. However, all industries are affected by artificial intelligence, such as finance, law, the medical field, and many more industries. With automation changing the workplace and jobs drastically, the future workplace will require different skills and education. However, many Americans will need help with obtaining and gaining access to new information because of financial burdens and the inability to acquire these skills due to different personal reasons. With the influences of artificial intelligence growing, the gap between the rich and poor is growing even more substantially as artificial intelligence is one more problem Americans have to worry about when searching for a job and trying to support themselves and their family.

While artificial intelligence may be changing the working lives of many Americans, there are some benefits to having artificial intelligence in the workplace. For example, A.I. allows organizations to automate mundane and labor-intensive tasks so employees can focus more on important and complex work. It also helps companies cut unnecessary costs by reducing the number of workers needed to do a task. It does the job more efficiently and faster than a human helping complete tasks and significant projects faster. Although A.I. is altering the workplace, it allows employees to be more creative and focus on problem-solving without worrying about completing routine and easy jobs. A.I. helps enhance the workplace by making employees more productive and effective. 

Artificial Intelligence In Everyday Life

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere and constantly growing. Many of the technologies we use daily implement artificial intelligence, and we don't even realize it is being used. For example, face ID on our cellphones, voice recognition, and browsing on social media are all ways we interact with artificial intelligence daily. However, as these technologies are helpful and intriguing the constant question of how much do these systems really know about us and how much of our privacy is being sacrificed is a rising discussion and concern among many people.

The Rise of the Concern for Privacy 

Artificial Intelligence is constantly working to figure out and understand who we are as individuals, which is why privacy has become a big issue around the world regarding technology and the advancement of A.I. systems. A.I. technologies are working to take the uncertainty out of life, however in order to do this they must collect a massive amount of data and information on the people using the devices, and this frightens many people as the world is becoming more reliant on these technologies. Many worry about how much access major tech firms such as Meta(Facebook) and Google have to our personal data. 

With major companies such as Meta(Facebook) involved with the Cambridge-Analytica scandal it has left many people wondering if their personal data means anything to these major companies and with A.I. on the rise and able to pick up on more data than ever, it makes people wonder how protected they are and their personal data.

The Future is Artificial Intelligence 

Overall, artificial intelligence may have its pros ane cons, but it has proved to be the way of the future. With the implementation of A.I., companies have been able to complete projects and tasks faster than ever helping the world continue to be innovative and new ideas to be created. In addition, with the implementation of A.I. systems, consumers are able to have a more personalized shopping and internet experience overall because the system is catered to them and their interest. While this has raised some concern with the debate about privacy it has helped create a more individualized experience for users during their time on and while using the internet. Artificial Intelligence proves to be a technology that comes with pros and cons, but will inevilabitably shape and alter life as we continue to progress with technology.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

EOTO: Public Policy Reaction

What is Public Policy?

Public policy is the principles that are usually unwritten on which laws are based. After watching my classmates do a presentation on terms associated with public policy, it sparked my interest as I am highly interested in politics and the foundation of our society.

Politicians use political ideas and terminology to appeal to the public and initiate change. Some ideas related to public policy are the Overton window and the spiral of silence theory.

The Overton Window 

The Overton window is a model for how ideas change over time with society as time passes. This window constantly shifts with different perspectives as society advances and becomes open to more topics and subjects. The Overton window is the range of ideas society is willing to accept, and this window is constantly changing as society becomes more accepting of new ideas. Politicians often try to use this window to their advantage appealing to the issues and policies they know society or people will accept. 

There is a common misconception that lawmakers can change or manipulate the window. However, this is not true. Lawmakers can only identify the window and move to comply or be in accordance with it. Since lawmakers can only identify where the window is, social movements must alter the window, and politicians must ensure policies comply with where the current window is. Where the window determines what ideas are willing to be accepted by society.

The Spiral of Silence Theory 

Have you ever been in a setting where you had an unpopular opinion or the majority's opinion did not align with your idea or beliefs? If so, did this cause you to remain silent and not speak about your stance? This theory is the Spiral of Silence and the idea that individuals will be more confident in their opinions and willing to speak up when they know the majority of a group also shares the same beliefs or opinions as them. In this theory, the vocal majority intimidates the opposing views into silence. It makes it seem like the majority opinion is the universal opinion of a group or society because others are less willing to speak about opposing views. This discourages people from expressing their true beliefs, and this is a problem because everyone should feel comfortable sharing their opinions and talking about what they believe in. It is essential for people to speak up about their thoughts and beliefs regardless of what others think because ideas must be challenged before being accepted by society.

The Importance of Public Policy 

 Overall, these concepts are essential regarding public policy. These terms allow society to determine what ideas or concepts ultimately shape societal norms and acceptable behavior among members of society. These ideas are important for politicians and people because they help identify the issues and topics important to society, allowing politicians to know what matters to target and how people will respond. They also assist voters in making informed decisions based on what ideas politicians use and evaluating how they plan to address issues.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Propaganda Through the Years

 What is Propaganda?

Propaganda is the effort to manipulate other people's beliefs, attitudes, or actions using symbols, words, gestures, articles, banners, etc. Propaganda is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda and encourage certain perceptions of people. This can be found in news, journalism, government, advertising, entertainment, education, and activism. Through various media platforms, people try to imprint and force their beliefs onto others to get others to adopt their beliefs or ideas.

History of Propaganda 

Propaganda has always been around. However, World War I was the first time it had been evoked globally. Propaganda elicited hatred among nations and people to encourage neutral countries to join and support them in their fight. 

World War I was a famous era known for the propaganda surrounding the moment in history. During the beginning of World War I, countries used propaganda to shape their nations' views about the war, instilling a strong sense of patriotism in their people to justify their actions and build international support for their sides of the war. World War I had two main sides: the allies and the central powers. The allies powers were Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Canada, Japan, and the United States. While the major powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. All the countries used propaganda to influence people's minds and build strong support for their sides. 

These countries built support for their sides while also building animosity for other countries on the opposing side. During wartime, large and full-formated posters and banners were displayed in schools and public areas depicting an image or message about the wartime efforts or ways to get involved. These posters and banners encouraged participation in the war effort by encouraging men to enlist, make donations, and publicize victories. Overall, propaganda was used to help guide people into adopting specific ideas and forcing people to accept certain beliefs and opinions of wartime to allow the government to further its agenda and push its narratives of stories.

World War II Propaganda 

While in World War I, the focus of propaganda was to elicit strong feelings of patriotism in people and side with specific ideals of the war. World War II propaganda was used for the same purpose to produce strong feelings in members of nations; however, as society began to change and new social norms became apparent, propaganda was used to push new ideas and open people's minds to new ideas and opportunities for change. Propaganda also displayed how society was advancing and accepting new ideas through the use and publication of flyers and banners.

For example, Rosie the Riveter was a campaign that encouraged women it was their patriotic duty to their country to enter the workforce on behalf of their country, as half of the men were fighting in the war with troops. This led to women being accepted in the workplace more, eventually leading to society rejecting some of the gender norms that had been set in the past. For the first time in history, women were allowed to be seen as strong and able to do more than take care of their homes and children. 

While propaganda does have an agenda to get people to believe one thing over another, propaganda can help societies advance and make the transition of introducing challenging and new norms into society to be accepted. 

Propaganda Today 

Although we are no longer in wartimes, propaganda is still used in everyday life, from news and politics to advertisements and everyday television. Today in advertising, companies play on consumers' emotions by appealing to their desire to be rich and live luxurious lives. Through knowing this, advertisers portray products and services in a specific way to encourage them to think they have to have it and ultimately cause them to buy it.

Russian-Ukrainian War Propaganda 

Today the world has been divided on the most significant issue: The Russian-Ukranian War. Unfortunately, the media portrayal of the topic has proved biased as countries fail to provide an objective view of coverage on the subject due to their beliefs and specific support for different sides. Countries have skewed readers' opinions on the war by swaying stories to benefit their country or make one side look better than the other without presenting all the facts or the whole story.

Russian and American channels have been accused of using fabricated stories, misleading information, and false narratives in the news regarding the issue and the threat the war poses to the world today. As the case of deceptive and fabricated news continues during this new era of propaganda, it is essential to diversify your news sources and seek out the whole story before coming to a conclusion from one perspective.


How Propaganda Affects Society  

While propaganda takes on many new forms today, it impacts how the press informs us, and we must be able to analyze and pick out the facts from opinions to ensure we are getting the full story and truth. In addition, propaganda can alter how we think about topics and situations, inadvertently shaping cultural and societal norms. We, as consumers, must understand and accept the ideas being forced upon us rather than just accepting them because others are saying that this is what we should agree with or believe in.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Diffusion of Innovation Modeled Through YouTube

Diffusion of Innovation Model

Do you ever wonder how ideas get introduced, accepted, and eventually phased out? The diffusion of innovation model explains the process in five steps demonstrating each percentage of people who buy or invest in an idea or product at different times, attempting to explain why it happens that way. 

The model has 5 categories labeled left-right: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. The model demonstrates the order people accept ideas or hop on a bandwagon. For example, while I identify as an early adopter because I am younger and more open to change, it is easy to understand how different people of specific demographics identify with other classifications on the chart. This is an important model to know as I will apply the rise of YouTube and how people adopted the use and purpose of YouTube to the model.

Brief History of YouTube

YouTube is a global online video-sharing and social media platform allowing people to post videos about anything they want. It was launched in February 2005 and founded by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. This platform changed the way people shared videos and received their information. First, however, it is essential to ask why people could accept this online video-sharing platform so quickly?

How YouTube Changed Videos and Reasons, People Accepted It

Home videos have always been important in many families. I know my grandparents still have home videos of my dad, aunts, and uncles from when they were growing up, and it is fun to watch and see as a family what they were like before. YouTube was created to share home videos with others and be able to show those memories easily. However, the idea grew beyond anything the creators could have imagined. However, the reasoning would have contributed to the early adopter's platform use despite the growth. Younger people liked having the ease of typing in what they wanted to see rather than obtaining a VHS tape or DVD and then having to use a specific player to view a video, especially if the video was going to be short and less than one hour. This influenced the use of YouTube because it made it easier to access videos and eliminated steps needed to play videos in the past. 

Additionally, as technology began to become more prominent and daily in people's lives, the ease and access of YouTube led to the platform being accepted. In addition, YouTube was the only video-based platform; no other social media platform had a platform near or similar to YouTube. 

The first iPhone was released in 2007, and when the iPhone was released, YouTube was pre-downloaded onto the phone. Still, to this day, YouTube comes pre-downloaded onto all new iPhones. This also motivated people to adopt the software because it came paired with their new phones, and most people would accept the software given to them with their phone than go in search of their own, leading more people to accept the platform.

Reasons YouTube Would Not Be Accepted 

YouTube enables people to watch videos on any topic they can imagine while allowing them to make a living through content creation and being influencers. Due to this, it is widely accepted and a reason people continue to use the platform. However, some people may be slow to accept or use the platform because it forces them to put their personal content online, and anybody can access their videos. In addition, some people may be hesitant about the platform due to the allowed content because it may violate their views or be suggestive in some ways. Lastly, the platform could be a learning curve for some individuals and generations, as younger people may think it is easier to navigate. In contrast, others may feel it is more complicated. Overall, people would be slow to adopt this technology out of fear of loss of privacy, lack of knowledge or know-how, and fear of content displayed.

While YouTube has had some issues regarding the content posted on the app, the company has been working diligently to filter videos and content more closely for people of all ages to enjoy videos that interest them. Another problem that has arisen from the platform is the push for a particular look or image for young girls and women; however, this is changing as people of different backgrounds, cultures, and looks begin creating their own content on the app, helping others to feel as if they are seen and appreciated. This being said, while YouTube has had its problems, things are changing, and people should be supporting the change in ideas on the platform.

Consequences of Not Adopting New Ideas 

While new inventions, products, or ideas are not always the easiest to accept, we must be receptive and understanding of all new ideas because they can lead to new breakthroughs and make life much easier. While people may want to avoid accepting YouTube and its services, the platform has ravaged how we receive and learn further information. Any topic, tutorial, or live stream is at the tip of our fingers and allows us to know anything we want with a short video. The platform has also allowed millions of people to make money by sharing their passions and inspirations with others. This is important to note because people unwilling to accept YouTube will miss out on these opportunities and access to millions of videos with various information on broad ranges of topics. Being open to new ideas and innovations is essential in today's society. Things are constantly changing, and we must be receptive to new ideas because they ultimately lead to us growing as a society.

EOTO Reaction: Netflix's Impact On Television

It is interesting to think about how much technology has altered human life. After learning about multiple breakthrough technologies, I was intrigued by how much Netflix has changed television.

History of Television

The first television was invented in 1927 and wholly changed American families' lives. The invention of the tv allowed people with similar interests to connect and share their ideas. Previously, television acted as social events as friends and family would gather to watch their favorite shows and spend time together. However, as television enters a new era of existence with the presence of streaming services, television has been altered into something that will be changed forever.

The Beginning of Netflix 

Netflix was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley in Santa Cruz. The business started as a rental service allowing people to rent any movie title on DVD for 7.99 a month. The DVD was then delivered to the customer's house, and when they wanted a new one, they would send in the previous title to exchange and get another rental. In 2000, as Netflix continued to grow, the company approached the former CEO of Blockbuster, John Antioco, about buying Netflix, but he declined. Then, just 10 years later, Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy and went out of business. However, Netflix continued to grow in 2006, generating more than $80 million in revenue and having more than 6.3 million subscribers using their services.  

However, the best was yet to come. In 2010, Netflix introduced its first streaming service allowing customers to stream movies and television from any device with access to the internet. Netflix changed its focus from delivering DVDs to allowing people to access any title with their paid subscription and use of a device with the internet. This completely revolutionized television today.

Netflix Today 

Today, Netflix broadcasts over 10,000 titles worldwide, including movies and television shows. The platform offers multiple plans depending on your family and their entertainment needs. The 3 plans are basic, standard, and premium. The basic is the cheapest and most simple plan, and the premium plan allows you to experience all the extra functions that Netflix offers at a higher price. In addition, the streaming platform has grown so much that it has allowed the company to produce and create its own shows. As a result, Netflix originals have proved to be some of the highest-rated series, with some popular titles being Ginny and Georgia, Stranger Things, Outer Banks, and many more. 

Netflix's Impact on Television Today 

There is no denying Netflix has changed and altered television in more ways than one. While television is an integral part of American culture, the way we enjoy television has completely changed due to the different streaming services and access to titles we have today. While television used to be a social event, families would gather around the television once a week to watch a show or movie. The new age of television has introduced the idea of binge-watching, giving way to a new era and way of enjoying entertainment. In addition, with services like Netflix not running advertisements, the culture of television is changing as people watch fewer commercials and do not have to worry about their shows being stopped mid-episode for commercial breaks. Lastly, with Netflix being the first-ever streaming service, many other companies have copied their business idea offering streaming services and encouraging the new era of television and entertainment. Overall, as we see the entertainment industry change and improve, it no denying that Netflix has been a trailblazing company and a leading innovator in the entertainment world.  



Anti-War and Mainstream News Agendas

News sources are integral to life in the United States and many countries. We as members of society rely on the news and press to keep us informed of events happening in the world that we cannot be present for; however, the press and media have only sometimes proved to be trustworthy and reliable when it comes to certain issues. Many mainstream news platforms claim they are unbiased, but in many ways, they push their own ideas and beliefs. Hence, it is important to diversify your news sources and obtain information from different sources. 

However, exploring less popular news platforms brought me to why some news platforms and websites are more mainstream or pushed more than others? 

Wartime is a hyper-emotional time for all parties involved, including society and the government; however, when that time comes, do we ever question the agendas of the press and the stories they push to the front. 

World War I 

World War I was an intense time with multiple beliefs and ideologies. The war started after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia which contributed to several other countries joining in the war contributing to one of the most deadly wars in history. The involvement in the war by the United States was highly controversial as many people felt the United States did not need to get involved. When WWI started in 1914, Americans wanted the United States to remain in a state of neutrality that aligned with Woodrow Wilsons's strict and impartial neutrality policy. However, neutrality was not kept after Congress decided to join the war with an 82-6 majority vote

News and media during wartime heavily impacted people and their minds and opinions. However, after the United States decided to enter the war, there was an increase in the amount of wartime media pushing and supporting the idea of war. Despite the anti-wartime movement and initiatives, the media and news only focused on the war effort and support of the war. 

This raises the question, does the media only push their agenda? And why are contradicting beliefs never and less popular opinions broadcasted the same as other news articles?

Russian-Ukrainian War 

Presently, the country is divided, facing the issue between Russia and Ukraine as they are at war, leaving many countries divided and debating on how to approach the problem. With the division on the issue, many countries are debating which side to support, which could result in another world war. This leaves the question of how the media and news platforms impact people's opinions and stances regarding the war. 

History of Anti-War Movement and Voices 

There are many news platforms and media sources about anti-war efforts, and these platforms have different perspectives on the issues. However, these sources are not as widely broadcast as others, and in the past, some journalists were fined after criticizing the government during wartime. The Espionage and Sedition Act of 1918 allowed a citizen to be fined or imprisoned for speaking out against the government during wartime; however, it was appealed on December 13, 2020. This prevented many journalists from speaking their beliefs and expressing their true thoughts, only informing the public of what they wanted them to know and pushing their agenda and ideas onto society. 

While the Espionage and Sedition Act no longer applies today, many anti-war platforms are less prevalent than mainstream news. This could be because the media only pushes popular beliefs and what complies with government decisions. As members of society, we must determine our opinions and seek out news and information from different perspectives to gain a full scope of the story and understand what is happening within the world.

Final Blog Post

What Does Technology Mean to You?  Technology . What comes to mind when you hear the word? Technology is the backbone of the world, constant...